
Shayari to Kaynat ki wah awaaz hai jo dil se nikalti hai

aseem Nikahat, editor Aalimi Sahara Urdu, Delhi, took this interview over the telephone. The medium of communication though was a telephone, yet it is one of the best interviews of Bashir Badr. Poet Nilesh Neel has written introductory lines on this interview saying that, the telephone is an effective third party in this conversation.

here Bashir Badr tells why and how his language of expression is different from the long-established ones
This interview is a debate over the medium of language used in Bashir’s Ghazals; He says that he has chosen a language away from what all Shayars have been using; because that customary language is not the language of a common man. For the expression to reach the human soul, the language used must be the one that can be easily associated with.

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